
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Psalm 28:7

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7

Whatever our situation, we can always choose to give thanks to the Lord.


More Than Words said...

Love that verse & the picture!

Mylene said...

Whatever our situation, we can always choose to give thanks to the Lord. - This is definitely true mommy!

great capture :)

Seiko said...

we have to Thank Him,whatever comes along our way.I love this verse too.

Denise said...

I really like that.

Laine said...

oh what a Beautiful verse. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

AMen amen!! Love that picture! Too cute!

Amy said...

I just love this verse. I used it for one of my daughter's photos a couple of weeks ago. Precious.

Susan said...

Oh I'm so thankful He is truly my strength and my sheild!! What a great word.

Your daughter is precious♥

SnoWhite said...

such truth. we always have the power to choose to give all that we are to Him.

Momgen said...

Your verse is inspiring and your little girl is adorable..happy WFW mommy. TC

Mine is here

Ozjane said...

Love the picture of energy and that so special verse.

Wisdom for Today said...

Thanks for sharing. Great verse! Happy WFW:)

Lauren said...

that's adorable -- thanks for sharing!:)

Cathy said...

Just precious, thank you ~

Chelle said...

Praying we all learn to live that way each and everyday!

Chie Wilks said...

This is such a lovely verse...thanks for sharing..

mine is here:

GranthamLynn said...

Oh what a lovely photo how sweet.
Lovely illustration of God's promises.
Thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

this verse has been on my mind alot lately.

I am so glad He is our strength.

And that photo is adorable :)
