This past week has been very hard since my daughter got sick. She had asthma attacks and when we thought she was getting better, she started coughing again on Monday and still not better by today. We will be bringing her to the doctor again today... With all that is happening.. I just hold on to God's Word...
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26 NLT
I also had asthma when I was a child. I declare your daughter is healed by the stripes of Jesus and command the spirit of sickness to leave her body right now, in Jesus' name!
God Bless!
we can hold on to God's promises in His Word. His Word is true. by Jesus' stripes we are healed!
Poor baby! I'll be praying, Chris.
So comforting to know we can cling to His promises.
Praying for your daughter.
Praying for healing and comfort for you and your daughter. This is a great verse to cling to.
This is really comforting. Thanks for sharing. Happy word-filled Wednesday.
Mine is up
Amen! So true, and a great verse to stand on in times of illness.
Thanks for sharing that one.
We know that feeling so well. I love those Words - wonderful to encourage others going through something like that. I will add them to my verse list. Thank you :)
Poor little lady...just said a prayer for her healing...and wisdom for the doctors as well as you, her parents.
Love that scripture...such encouragement
Happy WFW
I have adult acute bronchial asthma so I can feel her (and your) pain. What a perfect verse for your daughter! Will be praying for her healing from it.
I'm so glad that God's promises are true and that we can totally count on them! Praying for your daughter. :O)
Praying for your daughter, Dear ~ I have been through that myself. God is our hope.
So important to know the promises that He has for us in His Word. Blessings and health and healing to your daughter.
I am glad that you daughter is OK. What a great verse to hold on to.
Holding the safest thing to do......I lift your child into the arms of Jesus and pray His protection and healing into her little life.....and His total peace to you her Mum.
Your daughter will be in my prayers .
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