
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Matthew 4:19

Come, follow me. Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:19

It is Jesus who called. He has a definite purpose for each of us.
We just need to heed that call and live our lives fulfilling that call.

Happy WFW!


KenMAHD said...

Sometimes it's kinda hard for me to listen to His calling..u know we just normal human being..But,hard prayer make it happens and help me sustain til' the end. Thank You God!

Denise said...

Nice WFW.

Unknown said...

There's a children bible song with this verse :
I will make you
Fishers of man X 3
I will make you fishers of man if you follow me

If you follow me.......

It is one of my girl favourite song and I am being reminded of this powerful verse today.
Beyond Motherhood

Lauren said...

what a great image to go with that verse. oh that we all may be fishers of men... for the "fish" are truly that numerous!

Anonymous said...

We have to leave it all behind to fully follow Him. Not an easy task!

lori said...

I often think of "that day," when they were often have we been called and miss it amidst the noise...

This was just a perfect lunchtime reflection for my spirit!!


Cathy said...

Thanks for that reminder, Dear. I pray we will be "fishers of men."

Momgen said...

Great verse..Happy WFW!

Mine is here

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic photo to go with that verse. Love it :)

Happy WFW!

Susan said...

Oh how neat!!

I want to be soul winner, always♥

Blessing to you this WFW~

Chie Wilks said...

i was not able to visit here on wednesday..nice verse Chris

Seiko said...

Do we sometimes ignore His call to follow Him or we're just too busy not to listen at all?