
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls Talk: Women Over Men

Niko's new meme is on its 2nd week. This new meme is exclusively for girls every Thursday!
It has a weekly theme so drop by Girls Rule often!

The theme for this week is what women can do that men cannot!
Let’s show them why we girls are over boys :)

Women can multi-task at home. Feed the kids, cook the food, wash the laundry.

Women have intuition or gut-feel which most of the time is correct!

Women can empathize with others more often than not.

Women can walk and shop around, getting the best deals!

Women are not afraid to ask for help.

Women are God's gift to men. Without women, no one is there to support them.

How about you? Why do you love being a girl?
Join us at Girls Talk every Thursday!


♡ N o r e e n said...

Yay! Ako din up na post ko for Girls Talk :)

darly said...

nothing beats a woman;s intuition, which is always 90% accurate.

Girls Rule. Mine is also up.

niko said...

i agree!! tumpak! korek! :)

by the way, i put ur link already.. i forgot to edit the date, my bad. am sorry..

thanks for joining this week chris! see u again next week!! :)

hugs and kisses,

Chubskulit Rose said...

I like your entry..

Here's mine

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

Korak about the intuition thingy. i bet men would LOVE to have that!

Mine is here.

SASSY MOM said...

Agree with the intuition... ain't we so blessed to have that. Even my kids wonders if I have magic or something...

Chie Wilks said...

great answers....women indeed can ask help without problem...while men..nhihiya clang mg-ask ng help... the best pa rin ang mga girls

Mommy Liz said...

Chris, very true, women are not embarrassed to ask for direction too, hehehe. Great answers.. There's a lot of things that women can do and men cannot, or sometimes, they refuse to do.