
Friday, July 3, 2009

Who Am I?

Inspirational Insights is my 2nd blog site and its still quite new. This is where I post about my insights in life, spiritual and otherwise. My first ever blog is The Mommy Journey. I have started blogging 10 months ago and I have really enjoyed it as I have met other mommy bloggers in and out of my country.

I am known in the blogsphere as Chris, a Stay At Home Mom to 2 kids under 6 and a wife to hubby who is currently an assistant pastor (who is considering full time pastoring).

I am interested in movies, books, music and the stuff which comes with the Internet. I am interested in traveling since I love to meet people and learn about different cultures. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am truly blessed!

I am excited to meet all of you... so I'm off to visit you! Hope to see you around.

MckLinky Blog Hop


Anonymous said...

Just blog hopping around, love the theme you got going on here :) I love traveling too.


Jewels of My Heart said...

Just hopped in. What a lovely blog to share.
God bless you.

The Four Week Vegan said...

HI Chris, great to meet you through the blog hop.

Beth Herring said...

not sure I understand what the bloghop is but I always enjoy coming here!

Sheila said...

Hoppin by to say hello! Have a wonderful weekend!

a49erfangirl said...

Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm hoppin around today!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Hopping in from the blog hop to say hello. Have a fun and safe Independents Day :)

Anonymous said...

Hopping by to say Hello...hope you are having a great weekend.

Not John Chow said...

Hopping by!Nice to meet you. I am Not John Chow. Stop by my blog and say Hi! Some time.